Month: Oktober 2013

Barrierefreie Medizin

Unter dem Titel „MedINKLUSION“ fand Ende September in Wien eine Veranstaltung statt die sich mit dem Thema Barrierefreiheit in der Medizin beschäftigte. Was für viele Menschen selbstverständlich ist – sich den Arzt auswählen und zum Arzt zu gehen ist für beeinträchtigte Menschen oft ein Hürdenlauf. Angefangen von baulichen Barrieren bis hin zu kommunikativen oder medizinische Barrieren. Infos und weitere Nachlesen: Bericht und Fotos Lebenshilfe Wien LTV Lebenshilfe Wien (Video) Medonline Ankündigung Bericht              

16th European Health Forum Gastein 2013

The 16th Eurpoean Health Forum Gastein was held in early October 2013. As there is a huge amount of blogposts and downloadable pdfs of lectures this review concentrates on the Twitteractivities around the conference. The hashtag was  #EHFG2013 As it is sometimes – and after five years on Twitter I must say – still a discussion – The value of Twitter on conferences is widely accepted in international conferences. Here in Austria things seems to evolve slower so we also had a lot of discussions around this topic. Should somebody tweet during presentation? Yes or no? Why not? Whats the difference between tweeting and writing down some notes on paper or on digital devices? And is it rude or ignorant to tweet during presentations? For further reading on this topic please go to this blogpost by Lorna Sixsmith or read the last #hcsmeu Chat about this topic So here it is – some insights in the twitterstats – and, yes it sometimes was possible to follow a session whilest not beeing personally there. A total number of …